Dry roasted rose bamboo leaves bouquet, purple bouquet mysterious and elegant.

This bouquet consists of dry-roasted roses, small daisies, maltgrass, bamboo leaves, and shredded reed. Dry-burned roses and bamboo leaves complement each other in this stunning bouquet.
Purple dry-burned roses give people a mysterious and noble feeling, like the stars flowing in the universe. Bamboo leaves, on the other hand, show the strength and tenacity of life, like a gift from nature. This purple bouquet seems to come out of a dream and immerse you in endless imagination and romance.
When you quietly gaze at these purple flowers, it is as if all the troubles and pressures are gently blown away. Purple bouquets bloom with the mysterious power to make you feel the infinite possibilities in life.
Artificial flower Bouquet of flowers Dry-roasted rose Home decoration

Post time: Nov-03-2023