DY1-PJ-5375 Lipalesa tsa Maiketsetso tsa Lipalesa le Limela tse Rekisang Mocheso.



Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Ntho No. DY1-PJ-5375
Tlhaloso Sepalesa sa Maiketsetso sa Lipalesa Astible
Lintho tse bonahalang sekgomaretsi se bonolo
Boholo bolelele bo bosoeu: 45cm pherese, whitepink, pherese: 38cm, bophara ba kakaretso: 17cm
Boima ba 'mele 67.9g
Spec Theko ke sehlopha se le seng, 'me sehlopha se na le lihlopha tse 6 tsa astilbes.
Sephutheloana Lebokose le ka hare Boholo: 80 * 30 * 15cm
Tefo L/C,T/T,West Union,Money Gram,Paypal jj.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

DY1-PJ-5375Sehlopha sa Lipalesa tsa MaiketsetsoAstible Hot Ho rekisa Lipalesa Tse Khabisang le Moralo

1 e lutse DY1-PJ-5375 2 thuto.DY1-PJ-5375 3 tlase DY1-PJ-5375 4 e lekana le DY1-PJ-5375 5 ea DY1-PJ-5375 6 bakeng sa DY1-PJ-5375 7 lebitso la DY1-PJ-5375 8 ho ​​fihlela DY1-PJ-5375 9 ho DY1-PJ-5375

CALLAFLORAL lebitso la lebitso le tsebahalang lefats'eng la mokhabiso oa lapeng, le tlisa tlatsetso ea morao-rao pokellong ea bona ka Lipalesa tsa Khabiso tsa DY1-PJ-5375.E entsoe ka thepa e bonolo ea sekhomaretsi, lipalesa tsena li bonolo ho bōptjoa 'me li fihla ka boholo ba 83 * 33 * 18cm, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e phethahetseng bakeng sa liketsahalo tse sa tšoaneng. lintlha tse qaqileng tsa mahlaku a ho etsa hore li shebahale li le mahlahahlaha 'me li be monate, li fana ka bokhabane ketsahalong leha e le efe kapa sebaka.Nomoro ea mohlala ea lipalesa tsena tse khabisitsoeng ke DY1-PJ-5375' me e loketse liketsahalo tse fapaneng tse kang Easter, Letsatsi la Ntate, Halloween. , Kabo ea mangolo, Keresemese, Selemo se Secha, Letsatsi la Valentine, Selemo se Secha sa Sechaena, Thanksgiving, Ho Khutlela Sekolong, Letsatsi la Bo-'mè, Letsatsi la Lefatše, esita le ka Letsatsi la April Fool!
Ka boholo ba 83 * 33 * 18cm, lipalesa tsena li loketse ho sebelisoa e le setsi sa bohareng, ho tlisa bophelo sebakeng, kapa ho eketsa bokhabane ho mekhabiso ea lapeng.Lipalesa tsena tse khabisitsoeng li entsoe ka sekhomaretsi se bonolo, se etsa hore li tšoarelle ka nako e telele 'me ho be bonolo ho li bōpa ka mokhoa leha e le ofe o lakatsehang.Lipalesa Tse Khabisang tsa DY1-PJ-5375 li khetholloa e le Lipalesa Tse Khabisang' me li loketse ho sebelisoa ketsahalong leha e le efe kapa ketsahalo efe kapa efe.Ka moralo oa eona o motle, ho hlophisoa ha lipalesa ho ka etsa hore sebaka leha e le sefe se phele, ebang ke mokete oa lenyalo, mokete oa letsatsi la tsoalo, kapa merero ea mokhabiso oa lehae.
Lipalesa tsa Khabiso tsa DY1-PJ-5375 li fumaneha ka mebala e tšoeu, e pherese, e pinki e tšoeu le ea champagne, e fa bareki likhetho tse fapaneng tseo ba ka khethang ho tsona ho latela khetho ea bona.MOQ bakeng sa lipalesa tsena tse khabisitsoeng ke 36pcs, e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng bakeng sa litaelo tse ngata, tse nolofalletsang bareki ho etsa lipalesa tse ntle tsa lipalesa.CALLAFLORAL e nka tlhokomelo e eketsehileng ha ho tluoa tabeng ea sephutheloana, ho etsa bonnete ba hore lipalesa li fihla li sireletsehile.Lipalesa tsa Khabiso tsa DY1-PJ-5375 li romelloa ka liphutheloana tsa mabokose ho thibela tšenyo leha e le efe nakong ea ho tsamaisa thepa.Palesa ka 'ngoe e boima ba 67.9g, ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho tšoara le ho tsamaea.
CALLAFLORAL e kopanya litsebo tse entsoeng ka letsoho le theknoloji ea morao-rao ea mochine ho etsa lipalesa tsena tse ntle tse khabisitsoeng.Ka bolelele ba 45 cm, lipalesa tsa lipalesa li ka eketsa bokhabane sebakeng leha e le sefe.Qetellong, DY1-PJ-5375 Lipalesa Tse Khabisang ho tloha CALLAFLORAL ke khetho e babatsehang bakeng sa mang kapa mang ea batlang ho eketsa bokhabane le botle ketsahalong ea bona kapa. mokhabiso oa lapeng.Li fumaneha ka mebala e fapaneng 'me li bonolo ho li bōpa, li tlisa botle bo botle sebakeng leha e le sefe.Lipalesa tsena li entsoe ka mokhoa o phethahetseng, 'me li lokela ho ba teng bakeng sa bakhabi ba matlo ba chesehang le batsamaisi ba liketsahalo.


  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: